Makeup hours are offered on Mondays, 9-4:30pm for Tuesday-Saturday Future Professionals, and Saturdays, 9-4:30pm for Monday-Friday and Monday-Thursday Future Professionals. Makeup hours are first come first serve via sign-up with the Future Professional Advisor. Future Professionals are not guaranteed their desired date.
*Please note school closure dates, found in Enrollment Information
Monday and Saturday makeup hours have capacities based on program; 10 Cosmetology, 5 Barbering, and 5 Esthetics Future Professionals per makeup day. Future Professionals are required to attend the full makeup hours unless previously approved by the Future Professional Advisor. If a Future Professional signs up for makeup hours, all attendance policies apply. If a Future Professional does not show for the makeup hours twice, they will lose eligibility for signing up for future dates. If a Future Professional calls/texts out or no shows of 3 Makeup Hours days, they may lose eligibility for signing up for future dates. Future Professionals may only hold two date reservations at a time
Students must complete a Future Professional Make-Up Request Form indicating the date, time, activity completed and the name of the Learning Leader who supervised the make-up time.
In the event that it is unavoidable to go past the end of your scheduled hours while actively completing services on a service guest, the time beyond 4:30pm for Full Time students, or the time beyond 10:00pm for Part Time students will be approved by the Learning Leader overseeing the service.
Cosmetology and Barbering:
If your attendance falls between 90-100%, you must have 500+ actual hours to attend
- You may sign up for 1-2 day a month, subject to availability
- Subject to availability, you can come to consecutive makeup days in your last two weeks
If your attendance falls between 80-90%, you must have 500+ actual hours to attend
- You may sign up for 2-3 days a month, subject to availability
- Subject to availability, you can come to consecutive makeup days in your last two weeks
If your attendance is below 80%, there are no minimum actual hours requirements
- You may sign up to attend all consecutive until your attendance is about 80%, subject to availability
- Makeup hours are not available during the Core Phase of your program.
If your attendance falls between 90-100%, you must have 300+ actual hours to attend
- You may sign up for 1-2 day a month, subject to availability
- Subject to availability, you can come to consecutive makeup days in your last two weeks
If your attendance falls between 80-90%, you must have 300+ actual hours to attend
- You may sign up for 2-3 days a month, subject to availability
- Subject to availability, you can come to consecutive makeup days in your last two weeks
If your attendance is below 80%, there are no minimum actual hours requirements
- You may sign up to attend all consecutive until your attendance is about 80%, subject to availability
- Makeup hours are not available during the Core Phase of your program.
The school may waive the minimum actual hours on a case by case basis.
Additional Makeup Hours available:
Winter Break Makeup Hours: The minimum actual hours for Winter Break makeup hours is 300 for Cosmetology and Barbering, and 250 for esthetics. If a Future Professional signs up for makeup hours during winter break, it will be considered mandatory. If a Future Professional does not attend on their chosen day, it will be documented under the Future Professional Advisory: 4D.
December 26th, 9:00am-4:30pm Capacity per program: cosmetology- 56, esthetics- 15, barbering- 16
December 27th, 9:00am-4:30pm Capacity per program: cosmetology- 56, esthetics- 15
Future Professionals may not exceed their absent hours in makeup hours, or exceed 100% attendance.